Saturday 2 March 2013

8 months on...

Since putting Lawn Calendar live last June, I've been occasionally monitoring the site using the Google Analytics tool set.  This gives some great information about where traffic is coming from and what it does once in the site.

I added a live, test and development profile so I could test changes to the code and profile filtering in isolation without effecting the live site, or so I thought!  I made what appears to be a beginners mistake when setting up my development profile.  Somehow, instead of setting up new filters, I re-used the filters from the live and test profiles, and effectively filtered out all of my traffic.  Unfortunately, due to the way Google Analytics works, once filtered, there is no way to retrieve the visitor data.  So I have no visitor data since  the end of October last year.  I thought that this was a genuine tail off as Summer came to an end but when it didn't pick up again in Jan/Feb, I started to get a bit suspicious.  I guess the lesson learnt here is, be suspicious if your visitor data suddenly evaporates and always re-check after making any changes to the filters.